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Tokyo Pips is the founder of the brand YSL (Young Succor Life) which is the home of Tokyo University. YSL was born out of a desire for Tokyo to be able to assist individuals with changing their financial future. Tokyo Pips is a graduate from Troy University with a Master’s in Business Management and the University of Alabama with a Master’s in Quality Management.


TokyoPips is a master forex trader and an educator. Tokyo seeks to educate, empower and improve student lives through online trading courses and advanced tools in Forex, cryptocurrency and stock options.

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  • “Make it make sense” has become a popular catch phrase that someone may use to challenge another explain the inexplicable. That’s how I felt after attempting to learn to trade from several MLM companies. Those companies, however, were more interested in recruiting than trading, with no real onboarding, guidance or plan that would turn me from a know nothing novice into a successful trader. The only thing I learned well at those companies was how to copy trades, blow accounts and make frequent deposits into my trading accounts.

    But one day I stumbled across Tokyo Pips who is not in the business of recruiting but is a real trader who can and does ‘make it make sense’! Her systematic, data driven, process oriented approach to trading takes a step by step approach where each lesson builds on the other.

    When I met Tokyo, I felt like someone who had been kidnapped for so long that I now needed to be ‘deprogrammed’. Forgetting what I thought I knew has been difficult but well worth the effort. Tokyo has taught me more things about the market, trading and how to read the charts than I learned from all of the so called instructors at the previous 3 MLM companies. I wanted to trade, not build. Each week with Tokyo brings a new ‘Aha moment’. I’ve also stopped blowing accounts and depositing more money in blown accounts! Why? Because Tokyo’s able to ‘make it make sense’!

    K. Price
    Chicago, IL

  • I was introduced to trading about 2 ½ years ago and during that time was a member of three MLM companies. In my opinion, it became apparent that none were really in the business to teach their students how the trade, it was all about recruitment and building a network marketing team. My desire was to really to learn to trade. I knew it would be a great way to supplement my income and provide an additional income stream when I retired in the coming years. I really believed the right platform was out there. As I went from MLM to MLM to find that platform, I had the opportunity to take a class by Master Trader, Tokyo Pips, an educator on one of those platforms. I knew there was something special about her. Her style of teaching was different. In retrospect this was the blessing, although I did not know it at the time. As I sat one day after leaving my 3rd MLM and realizing she had also departed, I was lead to google her to see if she was accepting student. I found her on Facebook and she directed me to her new university. As time as passed and she has shared her vision for TU, I know that I am at the right place. She shared that God had put it on here heart to share her knowledge through an educational platform so that she can give others the opportunity to have financial independence. Her platform, Tokyo University (TU) really teaches fundamentals and focuses on a process for taking trading. I believe the cost for joining TU is nothing as it matches other educational platforms that may charge thousands to join. I’m enjoying my education and learning real skills. As well as, gaining true understanding on what is happening on the charts.

    The goal of TU is to produce winning traders. Tokyo presents concepts in small segments so that you have time to study and understand them. Each week builds on an existing concept or introduces another concept. The weekly live recaps give you the opportunity to ask questions live not just type in a chat and hope for a response. She goes over charts and we get insight on what may happen next and why. Actual conversations were never available in the MLM groups. This style has of learning is exactly what I needed. I can finally take winning trades thanks to Tokyo University.

    I’m so glad I did not give up. The charts and the candles really do give you all the information you need on how to enter trades. It just takes a master trader like Tokyo Pips to educate you how to master the charts by teaching you the skills needed to be successful. If you are serious about learning this skill, throw away that candlestick bible and join TU.

    PS. We also have the opportunity to earn as we learn through forex signals, which can cover the cost of your tuition. She also offers Indices U, which is advanced school that teaches how to trade indices. It’s fire. Worth the cost.

    ~~~D Curry, Atlanta, GA